Web-writing means putting information or publishing (usually named content) on internet platforms using the text format. Much of the text that you see on the internet is written by human beings, just like you, (unless you’re one of those bots I will speak of in the next line. And at-least some of the text is generated by bots, which is some software developed by programmers).
If you would like to start a career as a writer on the internet so that you can earn a side income, I have broken down the major ways you can do it below:
You can start a blog
Blogs have always been the backbone of the internet. Much of the useful information we access on a daily bases on the internet is available through the various blogs that are written by bloggers. A blog is a knowledge website that is published on the internet, usually done through informally written posts.
A Blogger is a person who runs or writes on a blog. And you are a publisher if you own a blog.
Bloggers know of the necessary information to put on their blogs through researching on the subject, knowledge they already posses from ‘learning’ or from their experience.
There are many types of blogs you can start and earn income. I’ll discuss about that in the segment after the following part.
Here’s how you’ll earn money if you start a blog
There are several ways in which you could start earning money on the web with a blog. But note, the value of your blog, usefulness to users, is largely going to determine how much you’re going to earn from it.
There are so many ways in which you could earn money from your blog. But these are just some of the ways you can do it.
Here’s how you can earn money while blogging:
One of the ways to earn money through a blog is serving product or service advertisements
I will define advertising as only to make something known.
When you make a blog, the people who visit the blog are called visitors, an audience given their interest to keep returning to the blog remains overtime. You can take advantage of your web-space, the blog, to show advertisements in exchange for money.
Figure : Example of a monetized blog
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